No chocolate, just phat kids!

Yesterday saw us at Gosling Ski & Board Centre for the final test session & official pre-opening photo shoot of the Euroboys’ Airbag. The weather was pretty near perfect, a slight breeze, not too hot and the slope (the unburnt section – read more about that here) was running pretty much as fast as a dry slope will in Summer without water on it.

Despite a couple of hiccoughs (one slam, one slightly broken ramp & the no show of the specially ordered crash mats) the evening went exceedingly smoothly. Having spent a couple of hours riding in the afternoon the local Euroboys where throwing down the tricks with Phil, Neil & Ash doing some sweet corked spins, The Boyf flying with some huge front flips & Dr. Neil showing us all how palm airs should be done.

The wonderful guys from Conspiracy, the local snowboard shop had come to visit armed with a selection of next years snowboards to demo and although I didn’t try any, not wanting to spoil the rhythm I’d got into, I have to say that the graphics on the K2 & Ride snowboards are looking pretty sick.

Once the ramp had been mended and the invited snowboarders had got used to the slope we saw some really impressive riding. Young rippers Cody & Callum from Chatham, soon settled into it and started attempting backflips once they’d got the measure of the speed needed to reach the bag in comfort. Lets face it, it must be pretty intimidating hitting a 7 foot kicker when you’re only 4 foot tall! Not to be out-done one of the original “Daddies” of dry slope boarding, Rob Needham, was showing the kids that even us over 30’s can still rip with the best of them as he was styling some nice delayed front-flips, almost looking determined to clear the bag. The treat of the night though had to be seeing local pro Duncan Carr showing us how dry slope should be ridden with some super smooth 7’s. Hopefully the invited photographer for the evening, Russ Shea from Dopeshots managed to capture some of the madness & fun ready for your viewing pleasure in a future issue of Document Snowboard Magazine.

A huge thank you to Neil for buying the bag and paying for the slope time yesterday, a wicked session was had by all and I can’t wait to see the bag open for business!



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