Any of you that know me will be aware that I’m a freestyle rider through and through, so far I just haven’t got the bug for backcountry riding, so it’ll be no surprise to know that I recently leapt at an opportunity to become involved in an extreme sports website for girls. I was approached through a forum I regularly frequent (cheers SCUK) and asked if I’d be interested in providing news, interviews and other articles relating to girls in freestyle riding. Girl Racer initially started when the then girlfriend of Gary the top tog on the site commented that she was really into cars and racing but there was nothing to cater for her and other similar minded “girl racersâ€. Take a look at the site and you’ll see that these are girls that are passionate about cars, pimping them out, racing them…nothing like me of course; I only just know my brake pedal from the accelerator.
Anyway, over the years the site has become extremely popular and they’ve been asked more and more often why they don’t cater for other extreme style sports where the girls are in the minority but are just as keen, capable and addicted as the boys. So here I am pleased to announce the start of the snowboarding off shoot of the site. As you can see at the moment it is mostly news but I’ve got some interviews planned with some top UK female rippers to kick off the freestyle season.
For those of you still desperate to win tickets to the Daily Mail Ski & Snowboard Show then there’s the opportunity to win two pairs of tickets for the Orange AIM Best of British session on Friday 14th October. This will also give you the chance to check out the Jib Crew Challenge as skiers and boarders battle it out for the bragging rights of being best crew!
Take a look, enter the comp and leave me your feedback here regarding anything you want to see covered on the freestyle aspect of snowboarding! Get ripping girls :o)