I’ve just stumbled across this blog, Eye Of The Storm, which to quote the contributors is “being brought to you by two guys too dumb to get out of the way of what is turning into one of the most destructive natural forces to hit the mainland U.S. ever.
We are both journalists working at the Sun Herald, a paper that covers all of coastal Mississippi. My name is Mike Keller, the environment reporter down here. My colleague is Josh Norman, a metro reporter who normally covers Long Beach. For updates, go to www.sunherald.com.”
Having been following the progress and the devastation of Hurricane Katrina I’m going to have a proper read of this when I get home this evening.
Update: I’ve now read the full blog and it’s heart-breaking to see how things have developed out there, from initial excitement about a possible big adventure in a bit of a storm to the devastation that’s occurred