…..those of you that know me will know that shiny gadgets easily get my attention, so it’s no surprise that my latest mission to get fit has led me to purchase a few new things to help get me started and keep me on track!
Having been generally rubbish at keeping fit since July last year (when work got insanely busy and then didn’t slow down) I ended up not going to the gym, not going snowboarding and hence getting rather fatter than I’d like. So with a few to slimming down, toning up and generally getting fitter ready for this summer’s dry slope competition season I’ve started working out again.
Work’s still really busy and as I’m working away a lot most of my training is going on over the weekends but at least I’m making the effort to work out more than I have been. So my plan over the next few posts is to share with you what I’m up to and the gadgets and funky websites I’m using to track my progress…..this will either give you the opportunity to chuckle at how feable my attempts at running are or perhaps jump on board and join the fitness band-wagon!
For now though I’m off to sleep, this evening I ran 5km in 47 minutes and I have an early start tomorrow!
Good guys,nice blog~
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web: http://www.go2buys.com