This year I will do the stinging!

This weekend we are heading back up to the Lake District and I will be tackling the Kentmere Trail in Staveley, with its “Sting in the Tail” once again. Last year didn’t go well, as you can see from this update:

May 31st – Lakeland Trails: Staveley 17km

A nightmare, I stupidly decided to run without music, it was hot, I struggled, I wanted to quit and almost had a complete mental meltdown. I started too fast, had to stop at 5km to remove my ankle support because it had turned my foot numb. At the just past halfway point I got 400m past the marshal, stopped and had a quick ponder about going back and getting them to call someone to collect me. I was really conscious of the fact that I was the last person in the race, felt bad for the volunteers that I was keeping them standing around and pretty much hated the whole thing. I wanted to cry a lot.

I did finish, it took me 2:36 and I was the very last person on the course.

imageLast year I ran in the race, this year I will run in the challenge. There’s no real difference except you start an hour earlier and the speedy race peeps may fly past you before you finish. I don’t mind being overtaken, in fact I love getting a chance to see the speedy runners, they make it look so easy. What the challenge does mean is that I won’t have to run too fast at the start as there are bound to be some walkers behind me, and I won’t have to worry that I won’t make the race cut-off. This will take the pressure off and allow me to enjoy the run, take in the views and just relax. It would be lovely to be much faster over the course, but if I am honest I’ll settle for shaving 30 seconds off my time but having fun not panic and tears along the way!

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