This is a collaborative post, I received a free product in exchange for an honest review. All views are mine!
As you know I pay a bit of attention to health & fitness (in between eating the odd donut and cheese biscuit). I know a lot people say you don’t need supplements, vitamins etc if you eat a balanced diet, but for me it’s not as easy as that. I eat really well (in my opinion), I mostly eat fresh food and cook regularly, but one thing I really struggle with is varying my 5 a day. Unfortunately there are a lot of vegetables that don’t agree with me, and I am not big on fruit either (too much sugar), in fact an apple a day is a definite no for me as I have tested as intolerant to them and hence have to consider when I am going to eat them. I also lack the gene to digest cruciferous vegetables, so whilst I love cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, they do not like me. Sprouts have to be baked (ideally with bacon), and cauliflower smothered in molten cheese, and only eaten on a very irregular basis. If not I blow up to the size of a pregnant cow and get woken in the night with stomach cramps. Less than ideal it has to be said.
So what can you do in this situation? Well I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to test and review some supergreens recently, and wanted to share how that went with you. I have tried supergreens in the past from places like MyProtein and Bulkpowders, but they always taste hideous! Thankfully Indigo Nutrition got in touch to see if I would like to try their Organic Supergreens Powder (and offer you all a chance to win some to try yourself too!).
I have been using the powder since the start of the year, and I will admit it was an absolute life saver when I was busy last week with the Boyf being away and us driving back and forth with meals occurring on a slightly ad hoc basis. I definitely wouldn’t have hit a daily veg requirement that’s for sure.
First of all, what is it? It says on the pack that is’s a natural brain booster & mood enhancer, antioxidant (good because my DNAFit test highlighted this as an area of concern for me as I lack some genes that balance this out), and B vitamins. The powder itself is a blend of organic green stuff…wheatgrass, barleygrass, spirulina, chlorella and moringa all powdered up.
I have been taking chlorella tablets since they were recommended by my doctor as being great for someone who runs endurance races, but I haven’t really used any of the other ingredients.
The powder is easy to mix, you could do it in a glass and just mix with a spoon, but I used a mini protein shaker. Cold water, a teaspoon of the powder, a quick shake -up and you are good to go. First impressions….not swamp water!! Hurrah! One of my biggest issues in the past has been that this kind of thing tastes of swamp. I am not a fan of swamp!
The Indigo Herbs Supergreens powder has more of a fresh grass taste, and is perfectly palatable when drunk alone. You have many options though, The team recommend you to mix it in with smoothies or juice, if that’s your thing…and you can even mix it in with soup. This works really well as it just blends in with the soup flavour and you really don’t notice it. May favourite way has been to mix it in with my mojito flavour BCAAs though. That way I get the vitamins and amino acids after I workout and it not only boosts my energy but aids my recovery!
I have built it into my daily routine and the great thing is, no stomach issues!! This is great news, and something that the Boyf has backed up as well (he too can blow up like a balloon when he eats the wrong food!). I definitely think this is a great product to take if you’re looking for a boost of some key vitamins. From a runner’s perspective the fact it provides potassium, magnesium & manganese is brilliant. Each of these are essential for keeping me running in tip-top condition and I am really glad I gave the Supergreens a go.
If you’d like to try Indigo Herbs Supergreens for yourself, here’s your chance! The team are giving away 3 packs to my followers all you have to do is enter my prize draw!