I am quite a fan of green tea, but I struggle to find ones that I really like. I have decided I hate most green teas that come in tea bag form, even the posh ones like Tea Pigs just aren’t quite right. So when I was given the opportunity to test one of In Nature‘s teas as part of the UK Fitness Bloggers I jumped at the chance….well OK maybe I didn’t jump but I certainly emailed Helen as quickly as I could to get my name on the test list! I was sent a box of the Mountain Green (Mao Feng) Tea and it is really nice. It’s described as follows:
Alpine Mao Feng is our premium grade green tea. Only the finest and freshest buds find their way into this outstanding product.
This tea brews to give a pale yellow-green colour with a characteristic aroma and rich flavour with a clean and refreshing aftertaste. Words are insufficient to describe its taste, the only way to truly know it is to taste it.
I find a lot of green teas quite bitter but this has a light and smooth taste and even if you over heat the water or over brew it (I forgot to pour a cup out today whilst on a conference call so it steeped longer than I would have liked) it is still really drinkable. The packaging is great, a nice neat box that could easily be given as a gift and it comes with a little leaflet giving detailed brewing instructions and some of the benefits of different fresh teas. I find drinking green tea can be very relaxing, especially if I take the time to inhale the scent a bit before drinking. It’s a great way just to take a few moments out to re-group during a busy day at work.
In Nature also have Oolong tea on their website so when my current stock has run out I’ll be ordering a box to give that a try. The Boyf is a big Oolong fan and we’re always on the hunt for the perfect one, with 3 to choose from I will have to work my way through them all.
If you are a fan of loose leaf teas then do check out the In Nature website, they stock everything from fruit (not really tea) teas to fancy white & Puerh teas. You can even request a free sample to try one of their teas yourself….just sign up on their homepage.