Race report: Wimpole Half Marathon

Well that’s another half marathon done bringing my total so far to six. When I started running back in April 2013 I did so under sufferance with a view to surviving at 10km run for charity and fully expected to quit once that was out of the way.  Somewhere between …

Testing: cool functions on the TomTom Runner Cardio

There are a couple of really cool concepts on the TomTom Runner Cardio watch (excluding the über-coolness of having it measure your heart rate through your wrist) and although I have had a couple of issues while testing these out they are definitely worth a mention. First up is the …

Testing: TomTom MySports

This is a bit of a mini-rant post typed in grumpedness…. Grrr the TomTom MySports connect software is annoying! Because I have synced my phone with my watch to get instant stats view I lost the opportunity to get a file export in order to upload elsewhere for comparative studies. …

Race report: Severn Bridge Half Marathon

I was browsing online recently when I stumbled across a mention of the Severn Bridge Half marathon, it was going to be the first time that they had closed the motorway on the original Severn Bridge and allowed people on to it to cross the bridge. It fell within a …

And then my tech threw a tantrum

My beloved Garmin 620 appears to be having a bit of a “tech-strop, toys out of pram” moment which I can only assume is because it’s been moved on to my right wrist whilst I am testing the TomTom Runner Cardio. Yesterday it failed to find a satellite signal, and …