Ah, January arrives and with it drags in seasonal sniffles. I’m am slowly filling with snot and so this may affect my running plans this week (I am currently undecided). It is often said that if the issue is above the neck that you are fine to run, below (chesty) and you shouldn’t, but if I can’t give my interval session a full(ish) effort then I think I might be better off resting than making myself feel worse. We will see, it could be that I feel the need to run off the office stresses and head out regardless. It’s typical that it was probably running that gave me the cold in the first place. Not the running itself of course but mixing with germ ridden people at 2 parkruns on New Year’s Day probably caused my downfall. Hopefully a potent mix of Manuka honey, apple cider vinegar (blurgh) and the juice of cherry, lemon and lime will help kill the buglets before my snot reaches the fluoro-green level!
This hasn’t stopped me Janathoning though, yesterday was a rest-day from a run perspective but I still squeezed a walk, my strength exercises and some yoga into my first day back in the office (actually the spare room, so germ free).
Today I was up early and signed on for my first live class with Yoogaia. I am currently using the free trial to give it a look but I am enjoying it so far. I’ll do a more detailed review shortly, but in the meantime if you fancy 14 days to give them a go then you can use this link to sign-up. Basically it is a range of live and recorded yoga and fitness classes that you can fit around your schedule. If I don’t run at lunchtime then I may give their Barre class a go instead (I am determined to take lunch breaks this year, and if I can incorporate some exercise in so it leaves my evenings clearer for my Open University studies).
This morning’s class was a 15 minute Sun Salutation Express, a quick and not too strenuous way to wake up and get energised for a day of standing at my desk nagging people. It was easy to follow and ran on time, which is so important when you are trying to fit a class into a busy schedule. I followed it up with my strengthening challenges (rest day for squats – hurrah!) and a cup of coffee (right bicep curls).
This means that if I do decide to let the snot slow me down I can at least count Janathon Day 5 as complete, and if not, then it’s bonus exercise. I hope the seasonal sniffles will be on their way well before the end of Janathon……fingers crossed!
Update: nose is doing all the running so intervals skipped but I did do a Barre class at lunch