Monday musings

IMG_4708Another combined post, this time for Janathon days 18 (Sunday) and 19 (Monday).

Sunday was a threshold session calling for 47 minutes of running including 10 minutes at 5:22/km pace. A bit of cunning planning beforehand meant I managed to route this so that this interval took place on a long downhill section. Slightly less cunning was the fact I had to run to the top of the hill at 6:17/km pace! I was so happy to reach the top of the hill and have 2 minutes of walk to recover before heading back down. Garmin says I averaged 5:37/km for the interval, RunKeeper says I did kilometre 5 in 5:03…..I do find it frustrating that if you have programmed intervals on the Garmin 620 and are following a “workout” that it doesn’t give you your kilometre splits as well. Typically I hadn’t bothered to preprogram RunKeeper with intervals as well so can’t directly cross-compare. Nevermind, I know I ran as hard as my legs, lungs and heart would let me. I also managed not to walk after the speedy interval was complete and just eased back gently to 6:17/km-ish pace for the last 14 minutes. A really good run and according to the Boyf I was flying on the downhill section as he couldn’t catch me. He had given me a bit of a head start, how hard he really tried to make up the distance I can’t say but it was nice of him to not blast past me. No 30 day challenges on Sunday either but I did fit in two recovery naps (before and after lunch).

Monday is back to the office day, an early morning flight, lunchtime gym session & consideration to be given to the 30 day challenges. I have an assessment session to run tomorrow, so need my legs to be in tip-top condition (I have done the 80 squats and 27 press-ups but will ditch the 150 second wall-sit). I also need to decide whether to run it before work (and risk a gurgling belly & potential #codebrown panic) to take advantage of people free paths for the “6 minute as fast as I can interval”, or run after work, with less risk of #codebrown but increased people-traffic & post-work sluggishness.



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