Sunday Summary: Inching Closer

Last week was a bit of a washout it has to be said, with a trip to Detroit for some meetings I reduced my runs and didn’t do as many workouts as planned.  I did eat a lot and watched the Detroit Red Wings win though, so it wasn’t a total loss!

This week I got back on track, with 5 runs and all my strength sessions done as well!  It was good to be a bit more focused, and given it’s only 41 days until my first race of the season now is the time to ensure I am inching forward not falling back.

Graphic shows weekly workout summary

SDW50 in 41 DaysConsistency is key, especially in ultra running as it’s not the speed that’s important bit the ability to commit and push through.  This week could be a tricky one on the run front, as snow is predicted.  I love running in the snow, but it can be a fine balance between actually being able to run, and the conditions being a bit too high on the Bambi-scale and you risking more injury than fitness gains.  So it could be the runs drop off a bit and I focus on strength work.  We shall see!

Either way, I have started to plan my week out and it’s all drafted in my Fitness Journal.  It may well change, weather and work dependent, but it’s a start.  I still need to decide what we will be doing for the Tailfish 30 Day Challenges in March as well.  I am thinking we ditch the squats for a month and focus on something else so no one gets too bored.

What have you got planned this week?

Image shows digital Bullet Journal summary of the week ahead


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