Getting up to date (or what I have been up to since I last posted)

I am full of sniffles and feeling both lazy and a bit meh about things. You’ll have noticed that I haven’t blogged in a while, but who knows with the run up to year end I may try and get back in the swing of things…no promises mind, it’s not …

It’s all about the balance

I was recently part of a campaign with Simplyhealth as part of Mental Health week and following on from that I was invited to blog about work/life balance.  This is something that is very close to my heart and in fact despite my slightly odd life I have found it …

Forging the path is never easy

It’s not easy being self employed, and it’s even harder being part of a bootstrap funded start-up. What with the hours you put in to the business, the stresses you face when team members can’t cope with the stresses and decide start-up world isn’t for them hence leaving you to …