Day of Awesome


Today has been an all round good day, in fact the start of the awesome began last night when Loudmouthman managed to cleanse the nasty bugs that had snuck into my blog via Dreamhost and gave me back the power to get posting on here again. This means that I can get day 2 of NaBloPoMo posted in its proper place rather than Posterous… thanks Nik.

On the work front it’s been a hectic day, my 3rd day out on the road this week kicked off with my 5:30am alarm call which thankfully wasn’t as painful as normal due to the fact my body is still working on BST so it felt like I was getting up at 6:30am instead. It wasn’t too bad a journey though as for the first time in ages I actually managed to get a seat on the train…score!

After a morning camped out at #likeminds I’d managed to kick-start the day’s NaNoWriMo word count along with my usual flurry of support team support emails before heading over to see the lovely recruitment team over at Great Ormond Street Hospital. They’re always a great bunch to catch-up with, although it’s always a bit scary because they’re normally armed with a list of questions, tweaks and requests as long as my arm. Thankfully today though I kept them happy and only added about 5 items to my to do list, believe me for GOSH that’s barely any requests at all. It was also great to run them through the latest functionality in the e-recruitment system, I do love showing off the shiny new things that have been developed by the team at eArcu the company that provide the e-Recruitment system used by Synuron members and today there was a mass of new stuff including some new ways to manage their workload, the first phase of their ESR interface implementation and some assessment centre development that’s really going to help their upcoming nurse recruitment. What really makes me happy is seeing the people I support gain benefit from the membership my company provides and it’s always great to see them smiling when I leave them at the end of the session. Small things I guess but it’s the small things that enable you to get up every morning and go to work.

The final piece of awesome is me hitting my NanoWriMo word count, I’m really pleased that despite a really busy day I managed to get 3 articles written a(and a blog post done too). Go me, may it continue for another 28 days!

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