Round-up: Juneathon 4-8

Juneathon’s been pretty lightweight in comparison to Janathon, I promise I am not being lazy but it’s just fallen at a tricky point in my race schedule. Yes, I have a race schedule, I’m not a 2 race a year kinda gal, I am whole heartedly diving into this running lark and am racing whenever I spot a race I like the look of.

Juneathon days 4 & 5 were firmly marathon taper days, I walked 10,243 steps on day 4 (goal 9,651) and 10,117 (goal 9,739) for day 5. Not bad for a day where I drove about 5 hours up to the Lake District. Day 6 saw me tail-run at Fell Foot parkrun. It was a nice course situated at the bottom of Lake Windermere and I had a nice run:walk round with two parkrun newbies who had only just started running. It was a tad blustery but that and a bimble round Ambleside meant 14,412 steps done (goal 9,795).

Juneathon step round-up

That brings me nicely on to Juneathon day 7! Goal was 10,186 and I smashed that with an epic 58,842 steps and a completed marathon….woohoo! I am awaiting the official results before I do a full update on the marathon but it is looking like I took around 25 minutes off last year’s time over the same course.

Day 8 means post-marathon legs….they are slightly achy but I still managed to dodge my way round Heathrow Terminal 5 this morning at a faster pace than most people that were there. 12,654 steps done against a goal of 10,389 and I have done 10 squats as well, just to determine that whilst achy my legs are still working fine.

I am taking a week (well a few days) off running as I want to be in tiptop condition to pace Louise in the final 11 miles of the SDW100 on Sunday morning. So posts will mostly be step count and squat count this week, perhaps I will throw in some press-ups too, just for extra Juneathon excitement.

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