For my first #freebiefriday of 2018 I’ve done a printable of a savings tracker I had in my paper Bullet Journal last year.
Each week you just need to save the amount stated in one of the boxes. You can go from low to high, high to low or just pick an amount at random.
Keep it up for 52 weeks and by the end you’ll have saved £1,378 (or whatever currency you’re saving in).
Pretty cool huh?
So how do I get may hands on this freebie you may ask?
- If you have already registered as a Tailfish member then you can just log in and get access from the main Freebie page.
- Not a member but fancy getting your hands on this and all previous Freebies? Sign up for your free membership here!
- Just want this Freebie? Click here and we’ll make sure you get the 52 Week Savings Tracker!