Race Review: Cakeathon #marathon7

Bank Holiday Monday dawned for what should have been the first Cakeathon event put on by Saxons, Vikings & Normans, it wasn’t though, it was the second.  Due to an overwhelming sign-up when this event was first announced they had taken the waitlisted runners and run an event in May …

Race Review: Spitfire Scramble

5 days on and the mosquito bites on my legs have just about stopped itching…..the sunburn on my calves is still providing comedy value for my colleagues though! Last weekend was spent in a field at Hornchurch Country Park in Essex. I blame Helen….although I am sure the Boyf blames …

Race Review: The Twilight Ultra

OK, right up front let’s be clear….I didn’t do the ultra (the Boyf did though), I did however plan on doing the marathon….it was another epic fail on that front.  I did learn stuff though, so it wasn’t all bad! We were originally going to be running a half marathon …